Daily Programme

Professionally-led group fitness and relaxation classes

When the weather is nice, the courses take place outside in the park or on the "wooden yoga platform" under an awning with forest view. In bad weather or cooler temperatures, you can work out in our spacious Rudolf Desch Saal (120 square metres). Here you will find an overview of our offers, which take place on a rotating basis. On arrival, you will receive the course programme for the whole week.

With these simple exercises, you can gain easy access to unused energy and achieve well-being for mind, body and spirit.

You feel weightless, floatingly active and relaxed at the same time. It is also often referred to as “air yoga”. The large, resilient cloth plays a decisive role here.

In the aerial cloth, you let go completely and let your body weight sink into the cloth. All muscle groups are stretched - when hanging, the back relaxes, and it is nice to feel this weightlessness.

You can reinterpret your asanas or practice those that are still too difficult on the floor.

Feeling sound pass through your body is an intense experience. What you hear and feel: the finest vibrations, a light, pleasant tingling sensation. Since our body consists of about 80 percent water, the vibrations are transmitted to each and every cell. At the same time, one listens to the receding sounds and the subsequent silence.

Full-body training with the fascia roller for beginners. Fascia training is used to prevent muscle tension and regenerate muscle groups.

Fascia training can loosen adhesions in the connective tissue. Stuck fascia is considered to be partly responsible for a wide range of physical pain, especially back pain. Loosened fascia also allows for better nutrient transportation through the body.